Stories from Bay Treasure Chest Winners


December 23, 2020: Sarah Somers wins $11,165 with #11608

Stillwater Lake resident Sarah Somers is shown far left with her cheque, provided by BTCA volunteer Ken Donnelly. (Frosty, centre, is establishing parameters for social distancing.) Sarah says she was working from home when she got the call, just thinking about wanting to make a donation to the local Salvation Army on behalf of her mother, who died three years ago. “It was her favourite charity,” she says. Up until she got the call, she says she didn’t have the means to do that. Otherwise, she hopes to clear some debt and top off her kids’ Registered Education Savings Plans. Does she consider herself lucky? “I don’t always feel lucky from day to day,” she says. “But then something like this happens.” Wow.

November 27, 2020: Leanna Marryatt wins $5,960 with #11234

Williamswood resident Leanna Marryatt says she was shocked to get the phone call from BTC volunteer Rick Muzyk to say that she was the Monthly Online winner for November. “I’m not usually a lucky person,” she says. When asked if this is perhaps a turnaround in her luck, she says,”I could handle that!”

November 25, 2020: Allen Boutilier wins $32,054 with #2693

Shown here: Allen, his wife, Dianne, and children Terry and Vickey, Head of St. Margaret’s Bay. “It’s so wonderful,” says Dianne.
“And close to Christmas.”

November 4, 2020: Daisy Dauphinee wins $9,925 with #173

Daisy says that when BTC volunteer Harry Ward called her with the good news, they chatted for four or five minutes before the penny dropped. “We used to live in Lewis Lake [where Harry is from], so I knew him from when he went to school. When he said why he was calling, well, I almost took his ear off! I was shocked,” she says. “I play a few numbers each week–for other people as well as myself.” Harry will meet with Daisy at the Sobeys in Tamtallon to give her the cheque and get a photo. They may even reminisce a little. Congrats Daisy!

October 30, 2020: Linda McGee wins $5,820 with #11170

Linda and her husband, Ray, moved to Hubbards from Timmins, Ont., three years ago. “We fell in love with the place. My mom and sister live in Halifax,” she says. “Plus, winters in Timmins can be harsh, lasting about seven months of the year, with temperatures going down to -40.”
It’s cozy in the couple’s world today: they had a propane fireplace installed yesterday, which their windfall of $5,820 will cover. “The first thing we did here was buy a house; the second thing was to start playing Bay Treasure Chest. We are part of this community.”
Shown here: Linda McGee, October’s Monthly Online winner.

October 28, 2020: Christina Stevens wins $42,240 with #13996

Christina Stevens, of Seabright, wins $42,240 in our Weekly Toonie Draw! Chris says she will spend her winnings on home renovations that are underway, and some will go to her four adult children! Congrats!

September 30, 2020: Theresa Morash wins $29,702 with #2007

“I am overwhelmed,” says Theresa, after having just found out she won $29,702 in the September 30th Toonie Draw. “I was coming home from work, and almost didn’t answer the call… I’m sure glad I did! I am not usually lucky!” Theresa says her mom has been playing for her since she moved from Glen Haven to Stewiacke. “She suggested I retire the number after I moved, but i said, ‘What if it is drawn?'” What if, indeed. For her trouble, her mom will get some of Theresa’s winnings; Dad, too. Otherwise, the money is gone already, says Theresa.
“I want to be debt-free. I don’t mess around.”
Theresa is shown far right, with Colin Glover of Redmond’s Hardware, where the winning
toonie was played.

September 25, 2020: Mike Crowley wins $7,120 with #11201

The winner of September’s Online 50/50 is Mike Crowley of Tantallon, shown left, at the Community Enterprise Centre. Mike says he was largely off the grid this past weekend while BTC volunteer Rick Muzyk was trying to reach him with the news that he had won $7,120 on Friday, after his number 11201 was drawn.
“A friend saw the post that ‘Mike C’ had won, asking if it was me, but I said, no, not recognizing the winning number. I have been playing the Toonie Draw since the early days, and was confusing the two draws” says Mike, adding that he currently plays both BTC draws. “After BTC temporarily discontinued the Toonie Draw I jumped on board with the Online Draw, then continued with both to help you catch up… still, I was shocked to have won.”
He says he’ll share the winnings with his wife, Sheila. “Maybe we’ll even be able to go on a trip sometime.” Congrats Mike and Sheila!

September 9, 2020: Tom McNeil wins $9,266 with #738

Says Tom, shown at Recardo’s Take-Out, where he played his toonie and not far from where he lives, in Tantallon: “I got my number before the first draw, and have been watching the registered numbers steadily increasing, wondering if I would ever win. But,” he adds, “I’ve also been watching all the good the money is doing in the community, so there’s that.” He and his wife, Sue, are involved in small reno projects at their home and cottage, so some of the windfall will go there. “Plus, we’ll put some aside for a little vacay next year. But I’m not gonna quit my job, because I’m already retired.”

September 2, 2020: Taylor Blake wins $34,198 with #2729

Says Taylor, shown here at Superstore, where she played her winning toonie: “It’s very, very exciting. I got home from work, and Mom said someone had just called… I’m really glad I called him back! It was a good ending to a bad day at work. I’ve been playing a long time… I’m going to pay off my student loan, and then I’ll try to do something with my parents.”

August 28, 2020: Cynthia Faulkner wins $12,580 with #101660

Here’s August’s Monthly Online 50/50 winner, Cindy Faulkner, who won $12,580 when her number 101660 was drawn.
“I wasn’t expecting the call… wasn’t even thinking about winning,” she says. “I’ve been doing the toonie draw for years with my brother, Paul, then in June I got the email about playing online and I said, ‘I’m going to start playing that.’ So now, he does the toonie draw and I do the online draw.
I grew up in Indian Harbour, Paddy’s Head. Paul lives in Woodens River. I still have connections to the area, and like to support my roots.
I was at home in Mount Uniacke when I got the call. I saw the phone number and thought it was the coordinator for my mother’s care, why I answered it.
Half the jackpot will go to Paul. I just went to the fish aquarium (we have a saltwater one), so I think I’m buying some stuff for my husband. And I might buy myself a little necklace… I’ve been wanting one for a while.
I’m not usually lucky. I figure that will be my big win for the rest of my life.”

July 31, 2020: Bev Anthony wins $23,400 with #59063

“We just had to replace our fridge,” says Bev, shown left, our July Online 50/50 winner. “The money will be helpful for that.” Otherwise, she retired from teaching two weeks ago… “So anything could happen,” adds the Hubley resident. Parting advice? Support local, she says. Local lotteries, and the rest.

June 26, 2020: Terri Boutilier wins $22,800 with #325750

Congrats to Terri Boutilier, shown left, who  won $22,800 in our June Online Monthly 50/50 Fundraiser!

While the win is surreal, she says, the Boutilier’s Point resident still has some ideas how/where to spend the windfall. “We might treat ourselves… to a new fridge. It will be a huge help towards finishing our basement.
“And we might get away for a few days with the kids [seven-year-old twins, a boy and girl]—probably PEI.”
Maybe even share a bit with the family, she adds.
“I’ve been playing the Toonie Draw for a couple of years, and now that it’s on hold I’m playing the Online 50/50… I love to see that the money raised goes back into the community.”

March 18, 2020: David Holden wins $38,838 with #20913 (drawn on June 3rd)

David Holden from Beechville wins $38,838 with his # 20913. Congrats David! He is shown here distancing socially with The Bear at D & Jo’s Country Farm Market, in Timberlea, where he played his toonie. “This has been a very difficult year for our family, so getting the news that I had won today was fantastic,” says David. “Thanks to all the Bay Treasure Chest volunteers for the work they do.”

February 26, 2020: Cheryl Harnish wins $25,444 with #23223

Our February 26th winner, Cheryl Harnish, gets her cheque from BTC volunteer Harry Ward at Hubbards Pharmasave. On the day she won, Cheryl and her husband, Jerry, were in the lobby of their holiday hotel in Holguin, Cuba, when three calls came in on her phone. “I didn’t want to answer,” says Cheryl, “given the expense of an international call.” She then got a text message saying it was in her interest to call back. “I first thought someone was trying to sell me something, but then I said to Jerry, ‘BTC, what’s BTC?’ Then it hit me, and I called back!”

Turns out she didn’t need to worry too much about an expensive phone call: she had just won $25,444 when her BTC # 23223 was drawn. “The tears were coming, but I was also smiling,” she recounts. “I’m not sure what the other people in the lobby thought!”

Cheryl says the money “is already spent” on a new house she and Jerry are building close to Aspotogan Ridge Golf Course. But the first cash outlay resulting from the win happened in Cuba.

The Harnishes were there with their four grandchildren, ages 9 to 14. “It was part of a Christmas gift for them,” says Cheryl. “When I found out I won I upgraded their room to a suite… That was a trip they won’t forget.” #memories

February 12, 2020: Bill Sharkey wins $12,220 with #1603

Bill Sharkey poses with his wife, Dana, and BTC cheque for $12,220. Rola Jawhar, owner of Recardo’s Take-Out, where Bill’s winning toonie was played, looks on.

Bill and Dana have been playing their two BTC numbers steadily since April 30, 2014; Bill’s toonie with BTC# 1603 was the lucky winner on February 12th.

When Bill received the call on Wednesday afternoon he was waiting to pick up Dana at work. When she began yelling “Is he joking?” all over the office, her co-workers were pleased to hear that she had taken their reminder the day before — “Don’t forget to pay your toonies!”

Says Bill: “The Treasure Chest is good for the community.”

February 5, 2020: Cecil Greencorn wins $12,666 with #31101

Here’s Cecil Greencorn when he collected his cheque for $12,666 at the new location of D&Jo’s, in Timberlea, from BTC volunteer Rick Muzyk. Cecil lived in Timberlea for a few years and ran the Bay Ducks Junior B hockey team; he now lives in Fairview but still has connections to the community. Some of his winnings will go to his son and daughter — he says daughter plans to take her family to Jack Frost Winterfest in Charlottetown next weekend with her share. He is also hoping to take a trip, to Nashville. #happytrails #congrats

January 29, 2020: Molly Whalen wins $25,476 with #5120

Molly Whalen, of Upper Tantallon, gets her cheque from BTCA volunteer Harry Ward at Redmond’s, where Molly played her winning number.

Says Harry: “When I called Molly the first time someone picked up the phone, but all of a sudden the phone went dead and I assumed we got cut off. I called back and her son answered the phone; he thought I was one of those scammer phone callers, the reason for the hang up. Molly took the phone, and I gave her the good news. The first thing she said was that she was going to split the money with her sister in Cape Breton, who plays a 50/50 draw in her area. The deal was that if one won, they would split with the other.” #sisters #congrats

January 15, 2020: Wendy Brace wins $12,581 with #20036

Wendy Brace (R), gets a thumb’s up from Ian Fawcett, owner of Lefty’s Restaurant & Lounge in Upper Tantallon, where Wendy played her winning BTC #20036.

Her telephone was quietly ringing in her locker while she was at work late yesterday afternoon. When it rang the third time she had just finished work, and answered it… to find out she had just won $12,581 in the Bay Treasure Chest draw.

“My cheeks are sore from smiling,” she says.

Wendy works in food service, and plays her four BTC numbers in locations she visits each week around St. Margaret’s Bay; Lefty’s was her lucky stop this time.

Keep on smilin’, Wendy!

January 9, 2020: Cynthia Mantley wins $25,790 with #28768

All smiles for Cynthia Mantley, showing her cheque for $24,790 at D&Jo’s in Timberlea, where she played her winning number. “The money came at a great time, after the Christmas holidays,” says Cynthia. “I’m going to pay off some bills, treat myself to a trip, and put some money away for savings.” The Halifax resident is originally from Upper Hammonds Plains. “My brother told me about the Bay Treasure Chest, and how it’s a fundraiser for where we grew up, so I wanted to support it,” she says. “I have never won anything… I was floored when I found out!”

She got an email from BTCA director Rick Muzyk just as she was leaving work that day, saying she was a winner. “I didn’t open the email right away… I didn’t recognize the sender’s name; I wasn’t sure the email was legit,” she says. Still, curiosity got the best of her. She opened the email when she got home, and saw her BTC number referenced. The penny had dropped, if slowly.

A couple of weeks later, Cynthia says says she put a chunk of her winnings in retirement investments, working towards an early retirement. “It’s too early for me to have specific retirement plans,” she says. “I’ve got my mom living with me; I like to spend time with family, relaxing, travel. You do what you can, when you can; you work with what you have.”


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